Absence Management
Our sick absence service simplifies the administration when someone is sick. Absence management provides a quick overview of sickness absence and its causes, helping you to reduce sickness absence.
Absence report
Employees can report sickness absence quickly and easily via our app, web, or phone. Around the clock, all year round.
Personalised healthcare advice
Experienced nurses give the employee advice and suggestions for self-care, and refer them to a health center or occupational health service if necessary.
Message to the organisation
An email or text message is automatically sent to the line manager and HR.
Feedback from a nurse (optional)
Three days after reporting sickness absence the nurse contacts you, provides follow-up counseling, and reminds you of the medical certificate from day 8.
Contact with the Social Insurance Agency
After 14 days of sick leave, MedHelp contacts the Social Insurance Agency and at the same time informs the sick person and the manager concerned.
Notification of recovery
When the employee is healthy, a health notification is easily made via our app, web, or phone, and if necessary, follow-up medical advice is also provided. As an employer, you will be informed of the period of absence.
Statistics in the platform
All information about absences, estimated return, and reason for absence is saved in MedHelp’s platform, accessible to both the employee and you as an employer.
Direct contact with the person who is absent
Via the platform, you as a manager get a quick overview of absence notifications. If you wish, you can contact the employee directly via the platform.
“I find it very helpful to get an overview and status report of the health situation in the team. We now have fewer rehab processes at Octapharma than before, and this is because we are using the tool in a way that helps us get a good overview and address risks in time.”
The easiest way for employees to report absences is via an app or the web, or by calling the company's own number for reporting absence.
Our absence management gives you control over sickness absence and facilitates a systematic way of working. A systematic approach leads to reduced sickness absence.
Absence management is included in MedHelp's Plus and Plus Counselling packages.
As a general rule, employees must submit a medical certificate to their employer from the eighth day of sickness to prove their illness. Medical certificates can be uploaded to the MedHelp app or web.
MedHelp Care Aktiebolag (publ)
Ynglingagatan 14
113 47 Stockholm
+46 8-528 528 00