Integrity and quality

Everything in one place

Here we have collected everything related to data protection and security. If there is anything you are missing or wondering about, you are always welcome to contact us.

MedHelp’s privacy policy

MedHelp’s vision for safeguarding your privacy is that no one should suffer privacy-related damage due to our handling of their personal data. We will, in a professional and committed manner, always protect the individual’s right to privacy and protection of their personal data. We do this with technical, organisational and administrative quality-assured processes and systems. We ensure high quality through regular review and systematic development.

Contact us regarding data protection issues

If you are a prospective or existing contract customer and have commercial contractual questions regarding MedHelp Care’s data protection, please contact

If you have questions regarding the Data Protection Regulation or want to get in touch with our Data Protection Officer. Then fill in your details in the form below.


MedHelp is certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001 and 27001

MedHelp's use of cookies

At MedHelp, we care about the privacy of our visitors. The trust of MedHelp’s visitors is our most valuable asset and therefore MedHelp adheres to a strict privacy policy. For example, it explains how MedHelp collects and uses cookies and how MedHelp protects users’ privacy.

Do you want to know more about how MedHelp can help you work systematically and preventively with sick leave in your company?

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