Fast, personalised medical advice
Experienced nurses provide support and advice to your employees during their illness, helping them get back to work faster.
Our experienced nurses can answer questions about restrictions, risk of infection, symptom assessment and advice. Personalised medical advice for your own illness and when caring for a sick child gives employees peace of mind, relieves managers, and can help reduce sick leave.
You choose whether to include medical advice as part of your sickness reporting process, providing you as an employer with valuable information about why employees are sick.
Our medical advice service gives your employees access to professional advice over the phone.
”At SAAB, we’ve realized that a phone call goes a long way. Personal counselling has been valuable. It’s easy to get advice and know how to proceed, and at the same time it gives us a good picture of why employees are sick.”
Sickness Reporting
Using the app or web, employees can quickly and easily report illness or leave to care for a sick child (VAB).
Personalised Medical Advice
Experienced nurses provide advice and suggestions for self-care, and refer employees to a clinic or occupational health provider if needed.
Three days after the employee reports sick, the nurse contacts the employee to provide follow-up advice and to remind the employee of the medical certificate from day 8.
MedHelp Care Aktiebolag (publ)
Ynglingagatan 14
113 47 Stockholm
+46 8-528 528 00