StartHealth platform with AIIdentify early signals with AI

Identify early signals with AI

It pays to work preventively with sick leave, for both the employer and the employees. MedHelp’s AI model is trained to effectively and with great accuracy predict if an employee may be at risk of long-term sick leave before it occurs. 

Our AI helps employers detect ill health at an early stage

Providing support when an employee shows early signs of health problems is critical to improving health and reducing sick leave. MedHelp’s AI model can identify on the first day of illness if an employee is showing early signs of long-term sickness. This makes it easy for the employer to support the employee with the right measures in time.

Automated notifications

An early reminder to start health promotion and recommendations for action effectively support managers in their health promotion efforts.

AI-powered precision

The AI model identifies employees with early signs of long-term sickness with 25% greater accuracy than rule-based assumptions, such as repeated absences.

50% reduced sick leave

The AI-powered health platform effectively supports managers in their preventive health work. Our data shows that companies that succeed at prevention can reduce long-term sickness absence by up to 50%.

How MedHelp’s AI works

Data Collection

The AI is trained on health data based on demographics and historical absenteeism, using three million unique data points from over 200,000 users going back three years. Data includes gender, age, and past absence patterns.


Modeling and training

Using similar data and knowledge of past results, the model is trained to build a picture of the employee across multiple dimensions, all representing the person over time.


Based on the picture created in step 2, the AI can assess the likelihood that the employee will end up on long-term sick leave within six months.


Recommend health intervention

Once the AI has identified an individual with early signs of health problems, a health promotion case is automatically created and the manager receives a reminder and recommendation to start health promotion work.

How MedHelp’s AI works


Data Collection

The AI is trained on health data based on demographics and historical absenteeism, using three million unique data points from over 200,000 users going back three years. Data includes gender, age, and past absence patterns.


Modeling and training

Using similar data and knowledge of past results, the model is trained to build a picture of the employee across multiple dimensions, all representing the person over time.



Based on the picture created in step 2, the AI can assess the likelihood that the employee will end up on long-term sick leave within six months.


Recommend health intervention

Once the AI has identified an individual with early signs of health problems, a health promotion case is automatically created and the manager receives a reminder and recommendation to start health promotion work.

This is MedHelp Care

Our health platform provides smooth, secure and data-driven management of sick leave and rehabilitation issues, and uses AI to signal early signs of health problems. This allows companies to prevent and reduce long-term sick leave by up to 50%.

These are some of the benefits of using MedHelp:

  • Control sick leave through systematic absence management
    AI predictions and health promotion recommendations
  • Ability to prevent long-term sickness through a preventative approach
    Support throughout the rehabilitation process based on Försäkringskassan guidelines
  • Increased employee well-being and reduced costs
Did you know that…On average, one in ten employees becomes long-term sick – and those on long-term sick leave account for a total of 60% of sick leave days.

Questions and answers about our AI

  • What is the identification of early signs of ill health with AI?

    Identifying early signs of ill health with AI is a method that uses artificial intelligence to analyse health data to detect early signs of long-term sickness absence in an individual.

  • How does AI early warning identification work?

    Identification of early signs of ill health with AI uses algorithms to analyse data from different sources and identify patterns that may indicate early signs of ill health. These patterns can then be used to provide managers with recommendations on health promotion interventions to prevent ill health and work preventively with employees.

  • What are the benefits of identifying early signs of ill health with AI?

    Identifying early signs of ill health with AI can help detect ill health at an early stage, which can increase the chances of preventing employee sick leave.

  • How does MedHelp AI work?

    The model collects available data on the individual's historical sickness absence. This can include gender, age, and previous absence patterns. Given this information, the AI model builds a 63-dimensional picture that represents this information over time. The model is trained with similar data with known outcomes about each individual and can now evaluate the new individual's likelihood of falling into long-term sickness absence in the near future. When an individual with early signals is identified, a recommendation for a health promotion intervention is sent to the manager.

Do you want to know more about how MedHelp can help you work systematically and preventively with sick leave in your company?

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