What is MedHelp Health Platform with AI?
MedHelp's Health Platform with AI is a SaaS solution that helps organisations manage the health and sickness absence of their employees. The platform helps managers and HR professionals identify early signs of ill-health and act quickly to prevent sick leave from becoming long-term. The platform also provides tools for documenting and managing rehabilitation cases.
What type of organisations is the MedHelp health platform suitable for?
MedHelp's health platform with AI is suitable for all types of organisations. Drag the sliders above to see which package is right for your type of organization.
How does the MedHelp Base Package work?
Health Platform with AI Base is MedHelp's simplest package solution that provides a systematic approach to preventing and managing ill health. With the Base package, health data is seamlessly imported from existing systems, and the platform's AI can help you predict long-term sick leave. The Health Platform provides effective managerial support for preventive interventions as well as rehabilitation support for long-term sickness absence, through automatic reminders and real-time support for health promotion and rehabilitation cases. The Health Platform includes follow-up and documentation, templates and checklists, and statistics. Suitable for organisations with a predominantly white-collar workforce, and low to medium levels of sickness absence, especially long term (more than 14 days).
How does the Plus package work?
MedHelp's Health Platform with AI Plus provides comprehensive support in the work linked to sick leave and rehabilitation for managers, employers and employees. With absence management directly in the platform, and an overview of absence causes, the Plus package provides access to data-driven insights and increased support for reduced sick leave. Absence data improves the AI's ability to accurately identify ill health and predict long-term sick leave, and with automatic reminders of health interventions and rehabilitation measures in real time, the manager gets effective support to prevent both short and long-term sick leave among employees. The Health Platform includes follow-up and documentation, templates and checklists, and statistics. Health Platform with AI Plus is suitable for organisations with a split between white-collar and production employees and medium to high levels of sickness absence, both short and long (less than and more than 14 days).
How does the Plus Medical Advice package work?
Health Platform with AI Plus Medical Advice is MedHelp's most comprehensive support for both employers and employees. With professional medical advice from the first day of illness, our Health Platform with AI Plus Medical Advice contributes to a positive employee experience and reduced short-term absence. Extra support at early signs of ill-health can also help avoid sickness absence, which is why the Health Platform with AI Plus Medical Advice is well suited to organizations with high, repeated sickness absence. The Health Platform includes monitoring and documentation, templates and checklists, and statistics. Suitable for organizations with predominantly production-intensive activities, and high sickness absence that is mainly short (less than 14 days).
How much does the MedHelp health platform cost?
The price varies from 25 SEK/month per employee for our basic package to 70 SEK/month per employee for our package that includes medical counselling.